We often store tension in our neck and shoulders which can lead to headaches, soreness and poor posture. Releasing these areas feels great- and only takes a few minutes.
Please remember to do these stretches very slowly and gently- and seek advice first if you have severe discomfort or a diagnosed neck or shoulder condition.
Very slowly, roll the shoulders down and back, starting with small circles and working up to larger circles. Do 10 circles backwards and then repeat forward circles.
Gently lift the right shoulder up and down and repeat 5 times. Repeat with your left shoulder.
Slowly lift both shoulders up and down together 5 times.
Move your head back slowly then bring it forwards. Repeat five times.
Do tiny little nodding movements with your head for a minute so it feels as if you have a double chin and feel the muscles at the back of your neck relax.
Bring your right ear down towards your right shoulder without lifting your shoulder. Repeat five times. Then do the same on the left five times.
Lie on floor and turn your head gently to the right as far as it will go and stay there for 5 breaths. Then turn your head to the left as far as it will comfortably go and stay there for 5 breaths. (This can also be done sitting up in a chair but is better done on the floor as the neck muscles relax more.)
Do these stretches daily and you will soon notice an improvement in your flexibility – and maybe even your mood.
If you would like to find out about simple ways to keep well, your natural health practitioner will be able to advise you.
1. The Book of Yoga The Sivananda Yoga Centre Ebury Press London
2. University of Toronto Workpaces Exercises http://www.ehs.utoronto.ca/services/Ergonomics/exercise.htm