Phone: 07 4085 0054

A Week of Mindful Eating Book

A Week of Mindful Eating book

How to Change the Habits of a Lifetime

'Fed up of diets? Find out about a different way to lose weight safely and for good in A Week of Mindful Eating.

This is now available:

  • locally at the lovely Under Blue Skies bookshop at 116 Byrnes Street in Mareeba.
  • on Amazon
  • in Mareeba Shire libraries.

I found mindfulness such a help, both for myself and for clients, that I was inspired to write this book. In it, you'll be introduced to the art of mindful eating in a fun way, using quizzes, mindfulness exercises and reflections.

A Week of Mindful Eating is designed for people who are :

  • generally fit and well.
  • would like to lose some weight and/or improve their eating habits.
  • are busy and prefer to learn in their own time.
  • are looking for a health solution that doesn't stretch their budget.
  • are open to learning new habits and doing mindfulness exercises.'

Sarah Isaacs, Naturopath & Nutritionist

Sarah Isaacs, Naturopath

Ph (07) 4085 0054

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Special Interests

  • Naturopathy & Nutritional Medicine
  • Mindfulness and Wellbeing
  • Detoxification
  • Fatigue
  • Menopause & Menstrual issues
  • Stress
  • Thyroid & Adrenal imbalances
  • Wellness clinics
  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis


If you have any medical conditions, are taking prescription drugs or are feeling unwell, please consult a health care professional before taking any of the advice on this website. This advice does not replace medical treatment.
© Natural Health Focus 2020 
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